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Ross River Dam Upgrade

Project data

Location: Townsville, Australia

The ross River Dam provides critical flood mitigation and is the major water supply to the Townsville and Thuringowa regions, which was first constructed in the 1970s. Upon completion of the upgrade, the dam's capacity was increased by 9% to 240,000ML, allowing four months extra supply of water. Three spillway gates span the 40 metre wide spillway and the Upgrade was to take until mid-2008 to complete, however it was completed ahead of time in late 2007, even though works were continued during the tropical wet season.

  • The longest dam in Australia
  • With an embankment wall of 8.4 kilometres, and a catchment of 750km2
  • $110 million Ross River Dam Upgrade Project by NQ Water
  • Situated 20km southwest of Townsville


  • Aspects of the spillway upgrade included raising of the sluice gate piers by 8m at the dam crest along withraisingof the spillway abutments.
  • The spillway training walls had to be thickened and raised.
  • Saftey
  • Tight schedule


John Holland Macmahon JV

Customer's benefit

  • The speed and ease of use of the PERI systems
  • Several innovative solutions, supplied by the PERI design team contributed to the project completion more than six months ahead of schedule.
  • Preventing the use of large amount of scaffold on the spillway floor that would become a hazard if the spillway overtopped during the wet season.

PERI solution

  • Using PERI SB single sided brace frames as platforms to bear the TRIO formwork and wind loads.
  •  Using an innovative reconfiguration of the PERI Vario panel and retrofitted anchors to allow the placement of PERI Climbing Brackets for safe work access.
  • Other structures constructed using PERI systems include the Stilling Basin wall and Dissipator Blocks.