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ACS Self-Climbing System


The range of ACS self-climbing variants for facades, building cores, shaft structures as well as inclined bridge pylons make the construction of high concrete structures extremely fast, cost-effective and safe. The climbing units comprising wall formwork and platforms are moved from floor to floor by means of integrated hydraulic systems. The efficient sequence of operations facilitate a very high level of productivity and exceptionally short cycle times. Simultaneous climbing of several climbing units ensures fewer leading edges thus resulting in increased workplace safety.

Crane-independent, quick working operations
Shuttering, striking and hydraulic climbing in a very fast work rhythm

Weather-independent working
Comfortably-designed platforms with enclosures protect site personnel against wind and weather

Stable working platforms
Working platforms can accommodate high loads, e.g. arising from material storage or placing boom masts

Technical Details

  • Rail-guided, safe climbing procedure without a crane
  • Climbing device with 100 kN lifting power
  • 0.4 m/min effective climbing speed
  • Climbing can take place outside of normal working hours thanks to the almost silent climbing hydraulics
  • Weather-independent working operations with enclosed working platforms
  • Climbing shoes and anchor types optimized for project-specific factors such as building structure, load, wall thickness and required concrete strength
  • Large climbing units reduce the number of lost anchor components


ACS R Self-Climbing System 

standard system with carriage and open formwork at the top for easy installation of the reinforcement

ACS P Platform System 

for high-rise building cores constructed in advance and tower-like structures with generously-sized storage and working areas

ACS G Realization with Gallows 

for concreting walls and slabs in one pour or for circular structures; both formwork sides are attached to the cantilevered gallows

ACS V Adjustable Version

for inclined structures such as bridge pylons or piers, with platforms always in a horizontal position

ACS S Shaft Formwork 

for stairways or small elevator shafts with a single climbing device positioned in the centre

ACS C Core Formwork 

for moving large-sized core formwork core including concrete placing boom and site equipment